Optimize parameters with refitting with some fixed parameters if outside bounds
parameterPrior, ..., dsDay, lastGoodParameters,
initial parameter estimate
prior estimate of model parameters
further parameters to .optimLRC
argument to .optimLRC
, here checked
for occurrence of high VPD
parameters vector of last successful fit
list of further controls, such as
isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE
If parameters alpha or k are outside bounds (Table A1 in Lasslop 2010), refit with some parameters fixed to values from fit of previous window.
No parameters are reported if alpha<0 or RRef < 0 or beta0 < 0 or beta0 > 250
Not parameters are reported if the data did not contain records that are near light saturation. This is checked by comparing the prediction at highest PAR with the beta parameter
list result of optimization as of
with entries
numeric parameter vector that includes the fixed components
integer vector of indices of the vector that have been optimized
scalar integer indicating bad conditions on fitting
(see LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC