Lower bound flux uncertainty and adjust prior uncertainty before calling optimLRC

    iOpt, dsDay, parameterPrior, ctrl, ...)



numeric vector of starting values


integer vector: positions of subset of parameters that are optimized


dataframe of NEE, sdNEE and predictors Rg, VPD and Temp


numeric vector of prior parameter estimates (corresponding to theta) # TODO rename to thetaPrior


list of further controls


further arguments to LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC (passed to LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost)


Only those records are used for optimization where both NEE and sdNEE are finite. In larger settings, already filtered at

Optimization of LRC parameters takes into account the uncertainty of the flux values. In order to avoid very strong leverage, values with a very low uncertainty (< a lower quantile) are assigned the lower quantile is assigned. This procedure downweighs records with a high uncertainty, but does not apply a large leverage for records with a very low uncertainty. Avoid this correction by setting ctrl$isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = FALSE

The uncertainty of the prior, that maybe derived from fluxes) is allowed to adapt to the uncertainty of the fluxes. This is done in link{LightResponseCurveFitter_getPriorScale}


result of LightResponseCurveFitter_optimLRC with items theta, iOpt and convergence


Department for Biogeochemical Integration at MPI-BGC, Jena, Germany <REddyProc-help@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [cph], Thomas Wutzler <twutz@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [aut, cre], Markus Reichstein <mreichstein@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [aut], Antje Maria Moffat <antje.moffat@bgc.mpg.de> [aut, trl], Olaf Menzer <omenzer@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [ctb], Mirco Migliavacca <mmiglia@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [aut], Kerstin Sickel <ksickel@bgc-jena.mpg.de> [ctb, trl], Ladislav <U+0160>igut <sigut.l@czechglobe.cz> [ctb]