Daily inward shortwave solar radiation at crop surface [MJ m-2 day-1]
providing sunshine duration (SSD) in hours or cloud cover in fraction.
cal_Rsi(lat, J, ssd = NULL, cld = NULL, Z = 0, a = 0.25, b = 0.5)
Latitude [degree]
day of year
sunshine duration hours. If ssd = NULL
, Rsi
is the clear-sky
solar radiation.
Cloud cover [fraction]
. If provided it would be directly used to
calculate solar radiation rather than SSD and parameter a and b.
elevation (m)
Coefficient of the Angstrom formula. Determine the relationship between ssd and radiation. Default 0.25.
Coefficient of the Angstrom formula. Default 0.50.
A data.table, solar radiation at crop surface [MJ m-2 day-1]
: Clear-sky surface downward shortwave radiation
: Surface downward shortwave radiation
Martinezlozano J A, Tena F, Onrubia J E, et al. The historical evolution of the Angstrom formula and its modifications: review and bibliography.J. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, 1985, 33(2):109-128.