Estimate reference evapotranspiration (ET0) from a hypothetical short grass reference surface using the the Hargreaves equation.
PET_hg(Tmax, Tmin, Tavg = NULL, Rsi_toa = NULL, lat = NULL, dates = NULL)
Daily maximum air temperature at 2m height [deg Celsius]
Daily minimum air temperature at 2m height [deg Celsius]
Daily mean air temperature at 2m height [deg Celsius]
. If not
provided it would estimated by averaging the Tmax and tmin.
Clear sky incoming shortwave radiation, i. e. extraterrestrial
radiation multiply by clear sky transmissivity (i. e. a + b, a and b are
coefficients of Angstrom formula. Normally 0.75) [MJ m-2 day-1]
. If not
provided, must provide lat and dates.
Latitude [degree]
A R Date type of a vector of Date type. If not provided, it will Regard the ssd series is begin on the first day of a year.
Reference evapotranspiration ET0 from a hypothetical grass reference
surface [mm day-1]