Compute year-spanning Seasonfactor by starting year and yearday
usCreateSeasonFactorYdayYear(dates, yday = as.POSIXlt(dates)$yday +
1L, year = as.POSIXlt(dates)$year + 1900L,
POSIXct vector of length of the data set to be filled, specifying the center-time of each record
integer (1-366) vector of length of the data set to be filled, specifying the day of the year (1..366) for each record
integer vector of length of the data set to be filled, specifying the year
data.frame with first column specifying the starting yday (integer 1-366) and second column the year (integer e.g. 1998) for each season in increasing order
With default parameterization, dates are assumed to denote begin
or center of the eddy time period.
If working with dates that denote the end of the period,
use yday = as.POSIXlt(fGetBeginOfEddyPeriod(dates))$yday
Integer vector of length nrow(ds)
each unique class representing one season