Check half-hourly time series data
fCheckHHTimeSeries(Time = Time.V.p, DTS = DTS.n,
CallFunction = if (!missing(CallFunction.s)) CallFunction.s else "",
Time.V.p, DTS.n, CallFunction.s)
The number of steps per day can be 24 (hourly) or 48 (half-hourly).
The time stamp needs to be provided in POSIX time format,
equidistant half-hours,
and stamped on the half hour.
The sEddyProc procedures require at least three months of data.
Full days of data are preferred: the total amount of data rows should be a multiple of the daily time step, and
in accordance with FLUXNET standards, the dataset is spanning from the end of the first (half-)hour (0:30 or 1:00, respectively) and to midnight (0:00).
Function stops on errors.