Computing residual sum of squares for predictions vs. data of NEE implemented
in C. See LightResponseCurveFitter_computeCost
for a description.
RHLightResponseCostC(theta, flux, sdFlux,
parameterPrior, sdParameterPrior, Rg,
VPD, Temp, VPD0, fixVPD)
parameter vector with positions as in argument of
numeric: NEP (-NEE) or GPP time series [umolCO2 / m2 / s], should not contain NA
numeric: standard deviation of Flux [umolCO2 / m2 / s], should not contain NA
numeric vector along theta: prior estimate of parameter (range of values)
standard deviation of parameterPrior
ppfd [numeric] -> photosynthetic flux density [umol / m2 / s] or Global Radiation
VPD [numeric] -> Vapor Pressure Deficit [hPa]
Temp [degC] -> Temperature [degC]
VPD0 [hPa] -> Parameters VPD0 fixed to 10 hPa
boolean scalar or vector of nrow theta: fixVPD if TRUE the VPD effect is not considered and VPD is not part of the computation