Soil parameters for VIC model (calculated from HWSD database)

  • expt : 3+2b (Eq. 17)

  • Kstat: Saturated conductivity (mm/hr) (Eq. 16)

  • bubble: Bubbling pressure (cm) (Eq. 4)

  • Wcr_FT : Field Capacity, Fractional soil moisture content at the critical point (~70% of field capacity) (fraction of maximum moisture)

  • Wpwp_FT : Wilting Point, Fractional soil moisture content at the wilting point (fraction of maximum moisture)

expt(S, C, OM)

Ksat(S, C, OM)

bubble(S, C, OM)

Wcr_FT(S, C, OM)

Wpwp_FT(S, C, OM)



the weight ratio of Sand, (weight ratio, 0-1)


the weight ratio of Clay, (weight ratio, 0-1)


the percentage of Organic Matter, (%w, 0-100)


  • Kstat: unit has changed from mm/h to mm/day


Saxton, K. E., & Rawls, W. J. (2006). Soil water characteristic estimates by texture and organic matter for hydrologic solutions. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(5), 1569-1578.


S = C = 0.20; OM = 2.5
expt(S, C, OM)
#> [1] 11.93418
Ksat(S, C, OM)           # 12.19
#> [1] 0.5072648
bubble(S, C, OM)
#> [1] 8.537068
field_capacity(S, C, OM) # 32.1%
#> [1] 0.3208775
wilting_point(S, C, OM)  # 13.8%
#> [1] 0.1365448
# Fractional soil moisture
Wcr_FT(S, C, OM)
#> [1] 0.6655485
Wpwp_FT(S, C, OM)
#> [1] 0.2832145